Peach State Opera, Georgia’s premier touring opera company, will hold live auditions in Atlanta on Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15, 2022 for its 2022-2023 touring production of Johann Strauss’  “Die Fledermaus” (Revenge of the Bat). We are auditioning for 9 principals, 4 choristers SATB, and 1 male actor for whom no singing is required. Help us share the thrill of live opera with small communities in Georgia and beyond through our English language production!

Music rehearsals will be in the Atlanta metro area Fri.-Sun., July 15-17, with blocking rehearsals scheduled for the week of July 25-30. Performances in the Georgia region are currently being finalized and will occur on select weekends in mid-September through October 2022, and mid-January through mid-March 2023. Singers are paid per performance, and housing is provided for each of the tour weekends. PLEASE NOTE: Peach State Opera does NOT provide travel allowances, nor does it provide housing for the rehearsal periods.

To request an audition, visit https://forms.gle/TuaUZjrYj7hz3iwk7 Opera singers must include a PDF version of their opera performance resume, as well as a digital headshot. Male actors auditioning for the speaking role of Frosch must include a PDF version of the actor’s performance resume, as well as a digital headshot. All auditionees must submit a non-refundable $22 audition fee to our Venmo handle (@peach-state-opera) at the time of application. Qualified singers/actors will be invited to audition.  The deadline for applying and paying the audition fee is May 6.

Audition requirements: All singers must present 2 memorized arias in contrasting styles, one of which must be in English. A pianist will be provided. For singers auditioning for Adele or Rosalinde, at least one of the arias must display high-range flexibility. Also, all singers will be required to do a dialogue reading after singing. Actors must offer a comic monologue from a classic play, no longer than 2 minutes, and also do a dialogue reading. (No singing required of actors auditioning for Frosch.) All singers/actors must bring a hard copy resume and a hard copy 8×10 head shot.